Information Technology & Communication

 Daniel Chavez Martinez




After watching the video, answer the following questions:


1.     What is Managing information within and outside the organization?


It’s the cycle of processes that support the organization's learning activities: identifying information needs, acquiring information, organizing and storing information, developing information products and services, distributing information, and using information.


2.      What is the importance of it?


It helps dictate how businesses form strategies, and implement processes based on them. It is at the heart of business growth, which is why so much effort and resources are pumped into it developing efficient information management systems, and qualified professionals to help implement them.


3.     What are the new technologies that companies have to manage for communications purposes?


New technologies such as e-mail, voicemail, internet, groupware, CD-ROM and teleconferences help managing information within the organization’s as well as outside the organizations.


4.     Describe the role of technological discoveries throughout history.


First in the 19th century developments such as the telegraph and telephone marked the beginning of information technology marked the beginning of the rapid growth in information technology, in 1960s some companies became attracted to computer technology to handle data processing and computers used by these companies were huge mainframes, programming had to be done from scratch  because there was no package software and computer programmers were often people with no experience in business owned the technology. By 1970 more people had computer terminals that had access to central information on large mainframes some packaged software was developed however computers where expensive and costs increased as companies without clear need for them where persuaded to invest in information technology.

Than transformation of telecommunications in the 1980s with the development of fiber optics local area of networks and satellite technology along with more powerful computers facilitated the growth of information technology in organizations. Organizations now have laptop computers, desktop publishing capabilities, electronic spreadsheets and word processing programs to gather, store and communicate information.


5.     What is the importance of technologies in the globalized business world?


In this global world the role of new technology in business communication is very vast, in business the new technology helps and supports the business fields.




6.     Describe the use of the technologies in the communication field.


The businessman saves time, money and spade work through new technologies it means that by incurring less cost more information can be sent or received in no time.


7.     What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Electronic Communication?



·       Know your audience

·       Think carefully about length

·       Know your tone

·       Write well-defined subject lines



o   Let your email inbox grow

o   Be slow to respond

o   Overuse those exclamation points

o   Communicate everything through email


8.     How have the Information & communication technologies changed the structure of business organizations?


Technological advancements have entirely reshaped the organizations by making their business processes highly integrated, and more streamlined. This is more so in case of small or medium enterprises. Run by a few people, small businesses need technology like nothing else. Technological advancements have facilitated these businesses in running their tasks smoothly and performing well than ever before.


9.     What are the legal and Ethical implications of the use of technologies? Explain the in detail.


Ethical issues


Ethics are moral principles, or rules, that govern a person’s attitudes and behaviour.

Ethics apply to the use of computers as much as they do to other things in life. Ethical issues in computing include issues of privacy and cybersecurity.




Once data is put into a computer it can easily be copied or transmitted. This puts personal private data at risk. Organisations that hold private data should do their best to ensure that such data remains private.


Fair Information Practices Principles (FIP)


These ensure the security of personal information collected by governmental and private agencies, there should be no personal record systems whose existence is secret, individuals have the right to access information and there must be no use of personal information other than which it was gathered.


  1. I enjoy reading your answers because even if we did not express them with the same words we share the same ideas.

  2. Hi Daniel, I can see that we have some different answers. For example, on the question "What are the Do's and Don'ts of Electronic Communication?", I find that most actions are not similar to mine. I share with you 2 answers that I wrote according to the video:
    ✔️Send messages on electronic systems that are related to business.
    ❌Do not send confidential information, the security of email is low compared with other media.

    What is your personal opinion about the do's and don'ts of Electronic Communication that I shared with you?

  3. Hi Daniel.
    We have similar answers but I would like to add something to the importance of technology in a globalized business world. What I think about it is that technology has helped to save a lot of time not only in the production area but also in administrative tasks which involves planning, analyzing and communicating results. This has made possible to share information in real time using free apps, and as time = money, it has reduced costs that used to represent a big expense, so now companies can assign more money to key activities that become them more competitive.
    Do you agree with my idea?

  4. In question 5 it is true that technology has made business more ambitious. Which opens up many opportunities for us in our field. Technology plays a very important role in the globalized world.


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