Introduction to Accounting


Introduction to Accounting



Student’s Name: Daniel Chavez Martinez


NUA: 116955


Answer these Questions in complete sentences:


·       Why do you think accounting is seen as boring? Explain.


Because people don’t really know how varied the world of accounting is, when someone talks about accounting the first thing that comes to mind are numbers, numbers and more numbers, so the majority of people relates it to math and don’t like to work with numbers, they think is boring and hard but it’s actually one of the most important pillars in a company.


·       Which of the jobs mentioned would be most interesting for you? Give your reasons.


I found the auditor as the most interning job for me in the world of accounting because they don’t really have a routine and every day they work in different places and different people making the job more unpredictable and entertaining, also i think that an auditor is a really disciplined individual and is often seen as the police of accounting in companies.


·       Why is it so important for accountants to be ethical? Explain in detail.


Because accountants work with large volumes of data and money so they have to manage it carefully making sure they are taking decisions in a legal way, all this Information is confidential which makes the financial data very sensible. That why accountants should be ethical and follow very strict rules (disciplined) in order to have succes in company, if they don’t, it could lead to severe punishment enforced by the law.


  1. Hello Daniel. We agree that the auditor position is the one that sounds the most interesting, since they do new things every day.
    I would like to know what career you are studying?

  2. I share your opinion about the importance of being ethical when we are talking about accountants; they work with a lot of important data. Great job!


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