Quality Management

 Daniel Chavez Martinez


Quality Management


1)     What is Quality Management?


It’s monitoring various activities and tasks within an organization to ensure that the products and services offered, as well as the means used to deliver them, are consistent, it also makes possible to achieve and maintain the desired level of quality within the organization.


2)     What is the objective of Quality Management?


The objective is to improve the quality of the products or services provided by your business.


3)     Which are the key components of Quality management? Describe in detail each one.


Quality management consists of four key components, including:


§  Quality planning - The process of determining the quality standards associated with the project and deciding how to meet these standards.

§  Quality improvement - Purposeful changes to the process to increase the credibility or reliability of the results.

§  Quality control - Continuous efforts to maintain the integrity and reliability of the process to achieve results.

§  Quality Assurance - A system or planned action necessary to provide sufficient reliability to enable a specific service or product to meet specified requirements.


4)     Describe what Quality Management involves. (process)


It is a set of procedures followed to ensure that the deliverables produced by the team meet the purpose. The beginning of the process includes setting quality goals that are agreed with the customer. Then carry out "quality assurance process" and "quality control process" to measure and report the actual quality of deliverables


5)     What does “Quality Improvement Methods” refer to? Explain in detail.


Quality improvement methods comprise three components: product improvement, process improvement, and people-based improvement. There are numerous methods of quality management and techniques that can be utilized.



6)     What are the Quality Management principles that the International Standard for Quality Management adopt? Write a description of each.


1.     Customer Focus - The primary focus of any organization should be to meet and exceed customer expectations and needs. Companies can also identify new customer opportunities and satisfy them.


2.     Leadership - Great leaders establish unity and goals between employees and shareholders. Leaders should involve employees in setting clear organizational goals.


3.     Engagement of People - Organizations should encourage employees to continuously improve their skills and maintain consistency. The principle also involves empowering employees, allowing them to participate in decision-making and recognizing their achievements.


4.     Process Approach - The approach needs to understand that a good process can improve consistency, speed up activities, reduce costs, eliminate waste, and continue to improve.


5.     Continuous improvement - Companies that continue to improve will experience higher performance, organizational flexibility, and an increase in their ability to meet new opportunities.


6.     Evidence-based decision making - Companies that make decisions based on verified and analyzed data have a deeper understanding of the market. They are able to perform tasks that produce the expected results and justify their past decisions.


7.     Relationship Management - Relationship management is about establishing mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and retailers. When an organization manages its relationship with related parties well, it is more likely to achieve continuous business collaboration and success.


7)     What are the benefits of Quality Management?


·       It improves process efficiency, reduces waste, and improves the use of time and other resources.

·       It helps to improve customer satisfaction.

·       It enables companies to effectively market their business and open up new markets.

·       It enables companies to continuously improve their products, processes and systems.



  1. Excellent! The information was very good, I understood each question with your answers.

  2. I understood the same question 6, I put the same as you. In other blogs I saw that they responded with the ISO standards, maybe I did not pay much attention to the video.

  3. Hi, good job, I like that your information is very organized and that makes it easier to understand


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