
Introduction to Accounting

  Introduction to Accounting     Student’s Name:  Daniel Chavez Martinez   NUA:  116955   Answer these Questions in complete sentences:   ·         Why do you think accounting is seen as boring? Explain.   Because people don’t really know how varied the world of accounting is, when someone talks about accounting the first thing that comes to mind are numbers, numbers and more numbers, so the majority of people relates it to math and don’t like to work with numbers, they think is boring and hard but it’s actually one of the most important pillars in a company.   ·         Which of the jobs mentioned would be most interesting for you? Give your reasons.   I found the auditor as the most interning job for me in the world of accounting because they don’t really have a routine and every day they work in different places and different people making the job more unpredictable and entertaining, also i think that an auditor is a really disciplined individual and is often seen as the police of a

Integrated Business Planning


Information Technology & Communication

  Daniel Chavez Martinez   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION   After watching the video, answer the following questions:   1.       What is Managing information within and outside the organization?   It’s the cycle of processes that support the organization's learning activities: identifying information needs, acquiring information, organizing and storing information, developing information products and services, distributing information, and using information.   2.        What is the importance of it?   It helps dictate how businesses form strategies, and implement processes based on them. It is at the heart of business growth, which is why so much effort and resources are pumped into it developing efficient information management systems, and qualified professionals to help implement them.   3.       What are the new technologies that companies have to manage for communications purposes?   New technologies such as e-mail, voicemail, internet, groupware, CD-ROM and teleco

Quality Management

  Daniel Chavez Martinez   Quality Management   1)       What is Quality Management?   It’s monitoring various activities and tasks within an organization to ensure that the products and services offered, as well as the means used to deliver them, are consistent, it also makes possible to achieve and maintain the desired level of quality within the organization.   2)       What is the objective of Quality Management?   The objective is to improve the quality of the products or services provided by your business.   3)       Which are the key components of Quality management? Describe in detail each one.   Quality management consists of four key components, including:   §    Quality planning  - The process of determining the quality standards associated with the project and deciding how to meet these standards. §    Quality improvement  - Purposeful changes to the process to increase the credibility or reliability of the results. §    Quality control  - Continuous efforts to maintain the

Resource Management

  Daniel Chavez Martinez   Task 1 Resource Management study guide questions.   1.       What is Resource Management?   It is a process of efficiently and effectively using various types of business resources. These resources can be human resources, assets, facilities, equipment, etc.   2.        Mention what is the importance of Resource Management in business.   Resource management plays an important role in improving the profitability and sustainability of enterprises because it significantly reduce project resource costs and allocate the right resources to the right projects so that they can complete the delivery within time and budget.   3.       What are the Concepts and Components of Resource Management? Define them in detailed.     Resource scheduling -  It involves identifying resources in a specific period and assigning them to different project tasks and helps to deploy competent resources to the right work to complete the project within budget and time.   Resource utilizatio

Human Resources
